Friday, March 2, 2012


Food brings people together... family, friends.... strangers. It was the first day back from winter break, and because only a handful of people had returned, my neighbor (Monique)knocked on my door to ask me whether I wanted to get some dinner. One of the guys who live across from us came along too and we ended up going to Woodruff, a little place on campus which does burgers, chicken tenders, wraps and salads... The best part of course, is that we get the food for 'free' (using our university IDs). Because none of us had gone there the previous semester, we were all amazed by the amount of food our unlimited swipes could get us... so we went all out and got nachos, burgers, fries, hummus, and chicken tenders. Excited by the prospect of.... well, food, we decided to go again the next day, and the day after that. Although we did eventually get sick of Woodruff, we became friends… because of food.

 Monique often jokes around saying , "You know we're only friends because we both eat ridiculous amounts." To some extent though, it is true… meals play an important role in relationships. For special occasions, we eat with our families and friends, and make the foods that we consider special. I became much more aware of food and friendship when Friday Cox burgers became 'a thing' between my friends and I. Friday Cox burgers? I know, right. 

It all began one Friday, two days after we had eaten burnt, dry… horrible burgers at the DUC. We realized none of us had eaten a ‘good’ burger since coming to Emory, and spent approximately 15 minutes of our time complaining about the food we had been eating lately. That Friday, they burst in my room, raving about the burgers they had just had at Cox (a sort of food-court-y place). They promised to take me sometime… and they did, the Friday after. Since, we have gone every Friday to get burgers.

We share experiences through food, and as such, by sharing a meal with or cooking for people, we strengthen our friendships and form new ones. Food is an integral part of the traditions we share with family and friends… food is awesome.